Virtual Max Digital Studio

Online Advertisement (Google ADS)

Online Advertisement (Google ADS)

    • Total budget: ({this.value}*{field.62b9f2d779ba10.83595549.value}) $
    • 750 $
    • (({field.62b9eed2096ab6.84864740.price}*20)/100) $

    It's recommended to let your Google Ads campaign run for at least 2 weeks. It's also recommended that your daily budget be at least $100.

Design & Manage Online Campaigns:

  • Campaign Setup on Google
  • Campaign Management & Administration
  • Monthly Report
  • Fast Turnaround (24 hour)


  • It’s recommended to let your Google Ads campaign run for at least 2 weeks. It’s also recommended that your daily budget be at least $100.
  • You may add more credit to your weekly budget or extend your campaign period.
  • There’s no guarantee you’ll close a deal when you run the online ads, however we’re doing our part to get you as many qualified leads as possible through your optimized campaign.
  • When it comes to budgeting and results, there are somethings beyond our control include market fluctuation, other competitors’ budget, the builder’s reputation, the length of the platinum launch, and more.
  • We’ll get back to you after 3 days of the campaign life cycle with more accurate data, so you can budget properly if you’ve followed our budget’s instructions.
  • Regardless of whether your online ads campaign is paused or deactivated, the setup fee is not refundable, but your not spent budget will be reimbursed.